How to choose a solicitor for a brain injury compensation case

Navdip Gill | Jul 2022

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury in an accident that was not your fault, how should you go about choosing a solicitor to help you make a claim for compensation? The long-term effects of a brain injury are not always immediately apparent, and it is important not to rush and accept the first offer from an insurance company – no matter how tempting that might be.

At Geoffrey Leaver Solicitors, our team of personal injury lawyers has an enviable track record in securing compensation, in the face of the tactics deployed by insurers whose sole objective is to minimise the amount they have to pay out.

Partner and head of the team Navdip Gill, who is recognised by Chambers and Partners as being a Top Ranked Personal Injury Lawyer and a leading head injury expert dealing with some of the most complex and challenging cases, highlights six key things to look out for:

1. Independent recognition – Is the law firm highly rated by its peers? Geoffrey Leaver’s personal injury team is ranked in the top tier Band 1 in the leading legal directory Chambers and Partners. This means that thorough research and client feedback has shown us to be one of the best personal injury firms in the UK. We are also members of the Brain Injury Group and Headway. We are recognised by these organisations as having the relevant experience in the field of brain injury to provide you with the highest quality service.

2. In it for the long haul – Don’t be fooled by promises of quick results. If you come to us with a brain injury, we will wait 24 months after the injury before instructing a medical expert. This is because there is a two year ‘golden period’, during which the brain can heal through rehabilitation. It is only after these two years that brain injured clients will truly understand the limitations of their injuries and that medical experts will be able to give the most accurate advice.

3. Backed by medical experts – We have access to the best neurologists, neuropsychologists, and neuropsychiatrists. Lead times for the best medical experts can be 18 months or longer, so although we will not instruct them straight away, we will book an appointment in two years’ time to ensure that you do not miss out on getting the very best advice. A good medical expert can be the key to success in a case, as was the case for Ms M who had suffered a subtle brain injury which was not apparent at first glance: It’s not always black and white: a six figure settlement for claimant with subtle brain injury

4. Supporting you from day one – Compensation for brain injuries can take a long time to obtain but Geoffrey Leaver Solicitors will make sure that you are supported while your case is ongoing. We are very experienced in making applications to the court for interim payments and other forms of support. In the case of Mr C, we successfully applied for £150,000 from the court so that our client who had always lived with his parents could try living independently and understand the full extent of his injuries: £1.3m settlement for brain injury client

5. A holistic approach – You will receive more than just legal advice or claims handling from our team. We always recommend that clients disengage from (or tone down) their activity on social media while their case is in progress. Insurance companies are likely to look at social media profiles if they think there is any way they can ‘catch out’ the person claiming, or if they can reduce the amount of money they will have to pay out. The easiest way to limit this risk is not to leave any digital footprint.

6. Strong negotiation skills – The average time for dealing with a complex brain injury claim is four to five years, and it is not unusual for the rehabilitation process to take a further two to three years. The litigation process can be long and complicated as insurers defend their positions with vigour, but Geoffrey Leaver Solicitors will be by your side and will make sure that you understand what is going on at every stage of the case and that you receive the maximum compensation. Mr C had been suffering seizures after an accident at work and took some comfort in having Geoffrey Leaver Solicitors by his side every step of the way: Not all head injuries are created equal: settlement for claimant suffering seizures

Need more information?

It’s never too late. if you are dissatisfied with your current legal team you still have the option to change. Our Personal Injury team would be willing to review your case and are experienced at taking on cases even as late as 6 months before the trial date.

If you would like to find out more about our personal injury department, or are interested in making an appointment for a free initial consultation to discuss your own potential claim, then please get in touch with Navdip Gill on 01908 689338 or via email at

However, do not delay, as you normally only have three years in which to bring a claim and it can take a number of months to compile the evidence and medical reports that are required.


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Navdip Gill | Partner

Navdip Gill | Partner


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