Employee awarded over £500,000 compensation after sustaining injuries from a collapsed desk

Navdip Gill | Mar 2021

Our Personal Injury Partner, Navdip Gill was appointed to act on behalf of a client who was seriously injured at work whilst delivering a training session. The client rested their bottom against a table which suddenly collapsed resulting in them falling to the floor and injuring their coccyx and lower back.

The injuries they sustained were complex and included post traumatic Coccydynia, which is a condition that is phenomenally difficult to treat together with a neurogenic bladder dysfunction.

Unfortunately the NHS was unable to diagnose their injuries due to their complexities and provided no real solution for a number of years for his client.

What we did

Navdip instructed a leading Spinal Surgeon who was able to provide a road map of the treatment they would need. Following this expert advice and the co-operation of the insurance company representing the local authority they were able to arrange an operation on a private basis for the removal of the coccyx, however, the client was left with constant and significant lower back pain.

We then instructed a professor of Urology to take a look at their case who diagnosed the client with a neurogenic bladder dysfunction including incontinence, leaking and urgency. Following this intervention the client was able to take their medical reports to their GP and was then referred to a Consultant in Uro-neurology who fast tracked their operation.

The Result

This case lasted 5 years as it had taken a significant period of time to diagnose the injuries, whilst dealing with the litigation of the case. The client was not rushed into making any impulsive decisions on incomplete evidence that may have had adverse ramifications for the rest of their life. There was also a wide divergence of medico-legal opinion in relation to this client’s injuries which resulted in the trial being set down over a week.

Navdip was determined to seek the compensation his client deserved especially as they had enjoyed a successful career prior to the accident. As the result of his client’s injuries their employer made modifications to the workplace enabling them to return to work on a part-time basis.

Our message was simple; the accident had a devastating effect on the client both professionally and privately and had left them a shadow of their former self.

A successful settlement of £586,000 was achieved once the insurers recognised they had to pay for their future treatment, future loss of earnings and their highly valued future public authority pension contributions.

His client commented “It can be daunting using legal services, but I must say, all those involved in my notably complex case kept me regularly updated and demonstrated a profound understanding and professionalism throughout. At all points, my best interests were of paramount importance and handled professionally and sympathetically. I would highly recommend Navdip and his team to all. He listened and nothing was ever too much; it has been a difficult 5 year, however, Navdip took the stress away from me I cannot thank him enough

How we can help

This difficult and complex case was run on a No Win, No Fee basis, which meant had the client been unsuccessful in court they would not have been liable for the costs of the case.  If you have suffered a complex injury and would like to discuss your claim please contact Navdip Gill on 01908 689338 or email ngill@geoffreyleaver.com.


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