Getting started with a case manager

Anne Maguire | Dec 2018

Once my brain injured client’s needs have been assessed and funds received from the Insurers, the Case Manager will start putting in place the support that is required. For a very seriously injured client who needs full time care, the Case Manager will advertise and recruit staff, obtain references and DBS checks. The Case Manager will ensure that the training and supervision of the Carer’s team complies with CQC requirements. They will arrange the Carers indemnity insurance and employment contracts.

It is true that some clients find it difficult, even intrusive to have a Professional Carer in their home but the Case Manager is there to help at this difficult time.

If one of the issues is that the family home is no longer suitable, the Case Manager can help source alternative accommodation whilst ensuring that it meets the whole family’s needs in terms of location so there is no feeling of isolation. Case Managers understand that it is important for families to be near their support networks.

Claire was seriously head injured at the age of 11 in a car accident. She lived at home and went to college but was unable to carry out paid employment. She needed to move on with her life. Her case manager organised a trial of independent living in a rented flat with a Carer going in every day. Her family were concerned that she would not be able to cope, but with the support of an Occupational Therapist, Claire learnt to cook and look after the flat. Claire enjoyed it so much and has done so well with the assistance of her Carer that she has never looked back. Her family are happy as she is well supported, independent living, just a few miles away and now has a very full life.

If you would like more advice on Case Managers and how I can help you with a brain injury claim please contact, Anne Maguire on 01908 689365.

*This is a real case but the name has been changed to protect my clients identity.

Anne Maguire, Partner

Anne Maguire | Partner

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