All ‘Fired’ up this Christmas at Headway Milton Keynes

Lisa Slade-Carter | Dec 2017

This year Geoffrey Leaver Solicitors has continued its tradition of donating to a local charity instead of sending Christmas cards. This year’s chosen charity is Headway Milton Keynes, which does a fantastic job of supporting brain injury victims in the community with rehabilitation, enablement and rebuilding confidence. Early in December our Anne Maguire & Paula Stuart, visited Headway to donate 5 Kindle Fire Tablets and they were very well received.

Kirsty Rook, Service Manager at Headway comments “We are extremely grateful for the donation of the tablets. We plan to use these in our group cognitive sessions for those living with brain injury, in order to make them more interactive. It will empower our client to share ideas, research information and learn how to use the technology which will build their confidence”.

Anne Maguire and her team have acted for many brain injured clients over the years and said “it was the natural choice to choose Headway MK as our charity, given the very good work that they do with brain injured victims and the connection with the work that we do. We have seen the difference Headway makes to people’s lives”.

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