Donating to MK Hospital at Christmas

Lisa Slade-Carter | Dec 2016

This year we decided to do something a little different! So instead of sending Christmas cards like we usually do, this year we donated a box of Fiddle Muff Comforters to patients at the Milton Keynes Hospital.

Fiddle Muff Comforters are hand warmers with multiple sensory stimulating attachments which provide great comfort to patients suffering from dementia.

The comforters were gratefully received by the hospital’s Dementia Nurse, Shadi Maleknia and Head of Fundraising, Vanessa Holmes who said “This wonderful gift will make such a difference not just at Christmas but throughout the year, so thank you”.

As we are not sending Christmas Cards this year we would like to take this opportunity to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a bright and prosperous New Year.

Receiving the gifts on behalf of the hospital is Vanessa Homes – Head of Fundraising (left), Shadi Maleknia – Dementia Nurse (middle). Pictured (right) Paula Stuart, Partner at Geoffrey Leaver Solicitors

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