Are you ready for the winter weather?

Paula Stuart | Dec 2015

As we enter the winter months, inevitably, employees will experience difficulty in getting to work due to bad weather.

Whilst an employer has a duty to protect the health and safety of its employees it must also try and reduce the impact on the business.

In order to avoid chaos when we get the first flurry of snow, Employment Partner, Paula Stuart, recommends that all employers should have a Winter Weather Policy to give staff clear guidance as to what to do and to minimise the disruption to the business. A clear policy may also encourage some employees to make that extra effort if they know the consequences if they do not attend work.

A Winter Weather Policy should include:

  • a reminder to all employees that it is their obligation to report for work and they should make every effort to do so; and
  • a procedure so that staff are notified in advance if bad weather is forecast so that they can make plans; and
  • details on whether staff can work from home; and
  • a clear reporting procedure if an employee is unable to get to work due to weather conditions or public transport;
  • a clear statement as to how any absence will be dealt with if they are unable to get to work due to bad weather e.g. make up time, take as holiday or take as unpaid leave.

If you need help and assistance with drafting a Winter Weather Policy or in respect of any employment issues then call the Employment Team on 01908 689366 or email

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